Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fruit preservation plans

I decided I want to record what I've preserved and what I plan to preserve this year. I decided this blog was a good a place as any.

So far:
Canned strawberry jam
Frozen strawberries
Canned black raspberry jam

Can peaches with my friend Celeste?
Freeze blueberries
Applesauce--freeze or can? Last year I froze and it was good!
Freeze green beans depending on harvest
Bake and freeze zucchini bread-1st one harvested already

By the way homemade yogurt mixed with raspberry jam . . . heavenly!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Building plans

We met with a builder last week and are considering the possibility of starting to build in the spring of 2010 and move in during that summer. We're checking into all the details and will see how things work out.

Saturday afternoon we went back to the property and I picked 6 cups of wild black raspberries and Sunday I made jam! Yummy! Also found a deer path that went behind the raspberry bramble and went right to a large apple tree. I will be curious to see the apples in a few months. Green? Red? Full of worms? Time will tell! I'll go back and pick more berries later this week. They need a few more days for more to ripen, plus the mosquitos were terrible out there!

I did get a few laughs yesterday afternoon. While I was making the jam, I was watching the Disney version of Little House on the Prairie mini-series. Ma and the girls were picking blackberries and their hands were all purple (like mine were), but they quit because of all the mosquitos. That part of the movie was sure realistic enough, that I can vouch for!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Look what I've picked!

I've got black raspberries! Lots and lots of black rapsberries! I'm so excited! I picked a few handfuls today, but wasn't adorned in appropriate berry-picking attire. I'll go back Sunday and get more once I've got on my jeans, long sleeves and mosquito spray! I bet you can predict what will happen next week with my kids gone to grandma's for the week . . . can you say "Black Raspberry Jam?" Anyone? mmmmm!